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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Performing the Future: Laurie Anderson and the Cyborg Persona as Post-gender Prophecy


  1. Mr. Morris assembles apparently dissimilar concepts and ideas from Jacques Attali, Ray Kurzweil, and Donna Haraway to show us that cyborg expression has been between us since long through the work of Laurie Anderson. The merge of technology and humanity opens up possibilities that will break asunder the limits of duality and gendered constitutions, on the way to the next dialectical level of Singularity via cyborg creation. As Mr. Morris tell us, we are already arriving to the dreadful world where we are no longer merely humans. But Morris points out why that is a good thing. Whether he is right or not, and I believe he is, we should still not jump into the river to save humanity, first because the water is too cold and second because there are already signs that the limits are starting to break up, as Mr. Morris points out.
